Bachelor's Degree |
Not political |
01/05/2019 06:40:13 |
Full Name: |
Syed Mohammad Adil |
My Aim: |
tO bEcoMe a sUccesfuL mAn....!! |
wEb sUrfIng,..hAnGing oUt wIth fRienDzz,...plaYing vIdeo gAmes &...LoL .......!!
tHeRe iS a bIg LiSt Of mOvIes,...but iN rEcent mY fAvourite MoVie is "aJab PrEm kI gaZab kAhaNi"........!!
it dEpends oN mY mOod,...sOmetimes rocKing mUsic, &,....someTimes sOft mUsic...!!
fRom cHildhood i lIke tO reAd comics,...books Only at school.....hahaha...!!
seaRching,......searChing,.....sEarching, .....= "SORRY NO MATCH FOUND".....hahahaha.....!!!
Only my friends can see my activity feed.
candlelight, thrills....!!
well,...myself AdiL......
i have completed ma graduation,..from computer science....
i m a simple,.. cool natured guy....
i believe in making true friends.....
if u can trust on me,...then be my friend,....bcoz true friendship stands on trust......!!!
ChEck oUt mAh... oRkuT pRofiLe,.....tHen U kNow aLL aBout mE,,...n U uNdeRstand wHat i cAn dO,.....firstly oPen uR sPeakErs oR headPhones b4 viSiting mA oRkut pRofiLe,...cLick on tHE linK beLow to viSit mY pRofiLe-
i dOnT kNoW......whenever i go 4 a date i wiLL tEll U........!!
nOthing,...bcOz i dOn't hAve aNy reLation iN paSt........!!
mUmma,....MuMMa,mUmMa,....MumMa,..& onLy My MuMMa........!!
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