its not easy being me .. but sure it's fun watching ppl tryin it
| M an |mag|nat|on, A p0werfu| ha||ucinAtion.... | have a w0r|d |inside ,
Bey0nd appRec|at|0n... | struggle t0 survive, | w0rk hard, | strive, To become dA b0|dest answ3r, To dA t0ugh3st quEst|0n!! | M n0t eRe t0 |impress yew a||, | m eRe t0 c0nf3ss t0 yew a||...
Dat | cAnn0t b3, What yew want m3 to0 be.. | cAnn0t change mA se|f, | m m3! | cAnn0t c0ver mA se|f, w|d fake beauty...!! ! | cAnn0t l3t mA se|f, Dr0wn in dA dArkn3ss , of D|s cruel| s0c|ety.... Yew f|nk | m fRa|l, 0oh wAt a pity ! DIs ish m3 ! !! B3warE!! | may be s0ft, 0uts|d3,
But yew cAn nevA d0m|nate mA mind, As l0ng as | l|ve, |’ll never fa|| b3h|nd... Do n0t g3t fo0|ed by mA tears,
| w0nt l3t any one else cry...
As |0ng as | m eRe!
D|s ish m3! !! Beware !! Da w0r|d |inside m3, |sh s0ak3d |n dA c0|0rz of beauty.... | |mag|ne, | dream, Things, Dat may s3em, A bit weird, near to0 |mp0ss|ble, But | don’t care!!! | l|ve eRe,
D|s ish m3! !! Beware!!
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