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Santa sent SMS to his BOSS: Me sick, no work. Boss SMS back: When I am sick I kiss my wife try it. Two hours later Santa sms 2 boss: Me ok, ur wife very sweet.
Santa: I got married because I was tired of cooking, cleaning home and washing clothes. Banta: Amazing, I got divorce for the same reason.
Santa found the answer to the most difficult question ever: What will come first, Chicken or egg? O Yaar, what ever U order first, will come first.
Jeeto: U know, husband & wife aren't allowed to be together in heaven! Santa: Yes, I do.That's why it's called heaven!
Santa opened A College. Guess the Name of College? . . .. . . . . . The Name of the the College was: WOMEN`S COLLEGE FOR BOYS ........
Judge: Order, Order Culprit: One plate of masala dosai, one plate of vada and one strong coffee.
A cheerful Sardarji truc driver pulled up at a road side Dhaba in the middle of the night for a dinner.Halfway through his meals, three wild looking young men on motor cycles roared up and stopped at the dhaba. For no reason they selected this truck driver, one poured pepper over his head, another stole his tandoori chicken, the third one deliberately tipped his tea over. The sardarji never said one word, just stood up, paid his bill and left. "Saala", that sardarji wasn't much of a fighter, sneered one of the young goons to the owner of the dhaba. The dhaba owner peering out in the night,added. "He doenn't seem to be much a truck driver,either. He just ran his truck over three motor cycles."
Teacher : Students listen carefully, the imaginary line is drawn from one pole to another is called axis, it is only an imaginary line, did u understand Banta Singh.? Banta : Yes Sir, but one small doubt, Shall we hang clothes on that line.?
Banta Singh is walking down the street and stops a man to ask for the time. The passer by looking at his watch, helpfully responds, the time is now 5 'O' Clock. Banta Singh scrathes his head and says OH! KAMAL HAI! I have been asking people that question all day long and each time i get a different answer.
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