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waiting for my lov
Posted On 29/05/2009 16:42:18 by LittleLov

Well lately I am feeling kind of bad, 
The notion as I'm leaving is just kind of sad. 

Without you, my mind plays some tricks on me, 
I feel that I have left you since eternity. 

My heart's been melting and my bones decay, 
I long for homebound journey ever since that day. 

And as you go on with whatever you do 
Do you know all the while I have been missing you? 

This kind of love, from above is rare. 
The feeling, I'm reeling as I'm standing there. 
Though picture's nice, it's not suffice. 
I have to go look at your very eyes. 
The same old people in the same old place, 
Will never match up to your pretty face. 
So pause a moment and then as you do, 
Understand that all the while I'm missing you. 

Tags: Waitslov


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